Thursday, November 6, 2008 here are some studies I am doing of a friend. I took a photo of this page to give an idea of how I establish a rough mannequin for the gesture of the pose...I also did a portrait study of a different photo on the same page...
...on this page you can see the finished version of the pose...I can see that I made her left foot too big...this is good, because now I can go pack to my earlier phase and see what an incorrect lay-in looks like, so in future studies, I don't make the same mistake. However, I am glad that I made the foot too big, because that means I am addressing another of my problems, which is perspective/foreshortening. So...the mistake isn't too horrible after all haha! I also redid the portrait study...I think it is pretty close as well, but still does not feel like the more study should do it.

And here is just a singular vignetted portrait. Again...very close, but no cigar on this one. I will say though...these are sellable drawings...just like to push as much as possible.
Anyway...hope you enjoy!


lordmarcus said...

Very impressive matt. I hope some of your nit-picky perfectionism can rub off on me.

Tauma'oe said...

wow man awesome work bro!