Alright...I think this is late 2007. I am not sure, but I kind of remember being originally inspired by Blade Runner while doing this page...and then it just turned into another imaginative figure study.
I like to watch movies while I draw...or I guess listen would be a better word (occasionally I will glance up and watch). Its really weird how fast time goes when you draw. I like to use music and movies as a time gauge...kind of like the movie Hudson Hawk. For really complex projects, my favorite thing to do is play a trilogy, or a series. Star Wars, Lord of the Ring, Matrix...
If I know that I am going to be drawing all day...I will play the entire series of Nightmare On Elme Street (except part 2...haha), Friday the 13th, Jaws, or anything else I can find. I really like movies from my childhood. Eighties movies are a big staple in my selections. There is something about that decade that was so horribly awesome...it was like pop culture had exploded and the market was open to any idea, no matter how vulgar or campy...and movies were no exception. Hulk Hogan ice cream bars...need I say more?