Dear Diary...
Alright, so, I give this a 7 out of 10. Q: Why such an easy going score? A: I challenged myself.
I like the challenge, but I think the positions of the hands became a bit skewed, and that is why the hoop looks a bit deformed yet again. One of these days, I am going to get it. I actually stayed pretty true to the distorted nature of the photo, which is what I liked...and I actually think I may do another piece from this reference with a more exaggerated approach.
For now though, I am going to break from the rigidity of portraiture with some sketches, but in the same scale and tools. This particular portrait has been staring at me since February, and the psychological burden seems to have risen with each new portrait. This is good, but I would like to be looser. The style in which this is done seems to be a bit looser and thus livelier...but it was actually quite labored over...which may be evident in many areas.
Either way...I am glad that I finished it, and can move on to the next phase of self-knowledge.